Saturday, 27 December 2014

MIC Kitchen

地址︰觀塘巧明街100號LANDMARK EAST 地下
ADDRESS: G/F AIA Tower Landmark East, 100 How Ming Street, Kwun Tong
Tel: 3758 2239
推薦度(RATING): ★★★★☆

Mic Kitchen is Chef Alvin Leung's Michelin one starred restaurant located in Kwun Tong -- what a choice! It shows how confident Chef Alvin is because he knows it well that people will find their way there for his food. Comparing to his 3 starred Bo Innovation, this is a more budget young line, offering modern fusion food with a bit of molecular twist in it. 

3 course dinner only costs $398 = 10%. It more or less means that you get a dessert for free. Beware that some of the item do cost you extra, but it's clearly stated. There is also a tasting menu which has 10 dishes in it for $988. But tonight, we only ordered a 3 course menu. 

MIC Kitchen係魔廚ALVIN LEUNG 最新既餐廳. 開業未夠一年已經榮獲米芝蓮一星. 選址工廈林立既觀塘可見CHEF ALVIN 既自信, 因為佢知道食客一定會專登走入黎食佢一餐. 相比起ALVIN 三星級既BO INNOVATION, MIC KITCHEN可以話係比較BUDGET既副線, 主打FUSION 加少少分子料理菜式. 3 COURSE 晚餐只係$398 + 10%, 價錢的確意外地平. 不過, 當中有部份既ITEMS 係要加錢既, 條數計落大約等於叫個STARTER + MAIN 送你一份甜品. 除此之外, 佢都有一個九百幾蚊既TASTING MENU. 不過今晚我地只係叫左個3COURSE DINNER 啫. 

After we ordered, a basket of assorted bread was served with a Chao Zhou preserved Olive spread. As a bread and butter lover, i have to say this is a nice twist. I couldn't help but finished it all! 

落左ORDER 之後, 一籃新鮮既麵包喺出現了. 沒有傳統既牛油, 附上既係由潮洲欖菜造既SPREAD, 新奇得黎又好食. 

For Starter, we ordered Soft Shell Crab (extra $48) & Octopus (extra $68)
頭盤我地點左 軟殻蟹(另加$48) 及 八爪魚 (另加$68)

Soft Shell Crab, as it said on the menu, comes with Thai Slaw. The Soft Crab is crispy and not greasy, the presentation of the whole crab in one piece was quite impressing to me. I especially love the Thai Slaw, it's very refreshing with just a little bit of spiciness. It tasted really great. 

軟殼蟹原隻上既賣相非常吸引, 香口得黎又唔會好油. 配得一絕既THAI SLAW, 酸酸甜甜, 中和左炸蟹, 好REFRESHING. 最鐘意佢嗰陣隱隠約約既辣味. 又剛剛食到, 又唔會搶哂主人味道, 正! 

Octopus with potato puree, Lap Cheung, Lam Choy and green beans, the portion was bigger than i would have expected. The octopus was char-grilled with very strong charcoal flavor. The charcoal taste brings you the feeling of seafood grill flavor. if you don't like it, you would probably think it's burnt taste (This is the comment from my Mr. ) The black crispy thing is made with crispy rice. The chef dyed it with fresh octopus ink and deep dried it. I would love to have some more of it. The chinese Lap Cheung was cut into tiny little dice. When you ate it with the creamy potato puree, it was another nice twist of the east and west. 

另一前菜, 碳燒八爪魚帶有好濃厚既燒烤風味, 如果你唔鐘意陣碳味, 你可能會同我老細一樣, 覺得佢燒燶左.... 上面黑色嗰D 一塊塊既原來係炸米通, 廚師將米通先沾上新鮮墨汁上色, 再炸出脆卜卜可口既黑色米通片. 呢個前菜另一亮點又係D 配菜, 個底嗰層薄薄既薯蓉, 另上切到細細粒有少少咸香既臘腸, 中西合壁得一絕. 

For main, we ordered Pork Chop(Extra $68) and Waygu Short rib 
主菜我地點左豬扒 同 和牛牛肋條

The Pork Chop from Canada was served with salty fish new potatoes and baby vegetables. The pork was slow cooked first and then char-grilled. It was very soft and tender, but the portion was huge! I honestly could not finished without the help of my Mr. The new potatoes was cooked with salty fish powder. It gave a bit of salty flavor, but i couldn't really taste the salty fish taste. The baby vegetable was a baby purple and normal carrot. They were really sweet. 
主菜用左黎自加拿大既豬扒, 配以咸魚新薯及嫩菜. 豬扒先以慢煮至熟, 再碳燒 先上碟. 肉質鮮嫩, 又滑, 一D 都唔乾, 外面又香口, 幾好食. 不過份量太大勒, 我一個人真係食唔哂. 配菜既薯仔焗好再灑上咸魚粉, 以帶出少少既咸味, 不過又唔係好食得出咸魚味. 另一配菜 BABY VEGGIE, 用左紫色同橙色既小蘿蔔, 非常之鮮甜, 又爽. 好好食.  

The other main we ordered was the Wagyu Soft rib. The Australian wagyu was slow cooked with cooking chocolate sauce over 36 hours. It was so tender that a fork could tear it apart. The cooking chocolate only only just gave the special smell and flavor, it also made the beef more tender. The most surprise food was the watermelon! It was very sweet and fresh, but at the same time, it carried a little bit of Dong Gui (Angelica Sinensis) taste. The waiter explained how the chef made it. The watermelon cubes were immersed in the Dong Gui water and put in a vacuum bag. They vacuumed the bag and forced the Dong Gui flavor into the watermelon. it was truly impressive and surprising. 

It was very funny when the waiter served this dish, It did look like a brownie with water melon than a main dish! 

第二個主菜用上黎至澳洲既和牛牛肋條, 用左好濃既煮食用朱古力慢煮36小時, 好軟, 用支叉輕輕一齒就切開. 朱古力為牛肉提供左味道之外,仲可以有鬆肉粉既作用, 令到牛肉更加嫩滑. 最特別係嗰三粒西瓜, 鮮甜不特止, 仲有淡淡既當歸味. 職員解釋係將西瓜連同當歸水一同放入真空袋入面浸住, 再抽真空, 將當歸既味道迫入D 西瓜入面. 西瓜同牛肉一齊食, 就會有肉骨茶既感覺. 呢道菜一上, 我老細面有難色, 因為佢似甜品多過主菜, 成碟BROWNIE 咁樣...

We ordered the molecular Xiao Long Bao(extra $78) and black truffle loh Bak Gou (extra$80)
我地仲叫左一個SIDE 係分子小籠包 (另加$78) 同埋黑松露蘿蔔糕 (另加$80) 

This molecular Xiao Long bao was my first taste of molecular food. When you put the spoon close to your nose, you could smell the vinegar smell. You put it in your mouth and bite it, the liquid burst out and you could taste the xiao long bao, but in a totally different texture. At the end, you could chew the little red ginger which was on top of the xiao long bao. The whole experience was insane and extraordinary. 

呢一口分子小籠包係我既分子美食第一試. 將佢放近, 會聞到醋嗰陣酸味, 放入口一咬, 入面既液體爆出, 食到同小籠包一樣既味道, 但係質感同小籠包完全唔到, 最後仲會咬到嗰條紅色姜絲. 成個口感同感覺好新奇, 好特別, 好意想不到. 呢個就係分子美食既驚喜 

The black truffle lao bak guo was brilliant. It made with turnip and black truffle only, unlike the ordinary turnip cake, it was very light and the taste of truffle was very outstanding. The cake was fried to crispy . it was such a brilliant dish

另外既黑松露蘿蔔糕, 用左蘿蔔絲配以黑松露造成, 沒有腊肉, 令到佢更加輕食, 表面煎得好香口, 蘿蔔同黑松露既配搭十分匹配. 正!

For dessert, we ordered the coconut and taro. 甜品我地揀左香芉及椰子 

This is the coconut dessert. The waiter kindly reminded us to enjoy it in a special order. We should eat the young coconut jelly first. It's a very light and tasted exactly like young coconut. Really amazing. Second to eat was the molecular pina colada. When you bite it in your mouth, the pina colada liquid burst out, so you should ate it in one go. Lastly, we should have the palm sugar ice cream with the sour cherry. The whole dessert was not too sweet, instead, it was very light and enjoyable. 

呢個椰子甜品, 要首先由新鮮椰青造成既啫喱食先, 因為佢最淡味及鮮甜, 非常好食. 第二就要食PINA COLADA 既分子啫喱, 成粒放入口一咬, PINA COLADA 既液體就流哂出黎. 感覺好新奇. 第三就係食椰糖雪糕, 食既時候要撈埋D SOUR CHERRY 醬一齊食. 

Taro was made with taro ice cream, crispy dried sponge, molecular calamansi and mango meringue, and some raspberry crisp. The taro ice cream was very light and not too sweet, you can taste the taro very well. The dried sponge was like a biscuit. good to eat with the ice cream. Molecular Calamansi was excellent. it was very sharp and nice. 

香芉係由香芉雪糕, 乾既朱古力海綿蛋糕, 分子泰式青檸, 芒果蛋白餅, 仲有桑莓脆脆造成, 香芉雪糕香芉味濃, 又唔太甜, 好好味. 最好係連埋抽乾左既朱古力海綿蛋糕一齊食, 好似餅乾咁. 最驚喜係分子CALAMANSI,一咬D CALAMANSI 汁出哂黎, 又SHARP 又甜, 好正! 

Overall, this meal had been very surprising. If you came here and expected to have molecular food, you would be very disappointed. I appreciated very much on the mix of eastern and western ingredients, it gave the guests a lot of nice surprise and presented this special modern fusion food. 

總括黎講, 呢個晚餐都黎得相當驚喜. 如果一心想黎試分子美食的話, 你或者會覺得失望, 因為你諗錯左. 驚喜係來黎至東西食材既配合, 造出新奇, 現代既菜式

Friday, 26 December 2014

銖記海鮮飯店(Gi Kee)︰足料好味羊腩煲 (Mutton Clay Pot)

Address: Shop 3, 2/F Wong Nai Chung Complex, Happy Valley

秋冬有兩樣美食既美食---羊腩煲 及煲仔飯 





There are two great local winter food that i love so much ---- Mutton Clay pot and clay pot rice. 

For mutton clay pot, you can find it every where, but it's very hard to find a good one. 
Recently, we found a very good one right in our neighborhood --- Happy Valley Wet market, which is as good as home made!  

At dinner service, there are only two restaurants opened in the wet market. When you take the lift to the 2nd floor, staff from both restaurant will be there welcoming you. When they see their regulars, they won't even ask. They will just take you to their tables. All tables are color - coded into red and white plastic table cloth for recognition! FUN! 

I have been going there for dinner very often, but have never even thought about trying their mutton clay pot. first it's very seasonal, it's only available in winter. Second, we have just never thought about it. One night, after having a drink with a friend, i recommended her to go to the wet market for cheap, but good local food. She texted me the next day telling me the mutton clay pot was fantastic! That rang my bell! I tried it and it was truly amazing! 

羊腩煲味夠濃,煲既汁又夠杰,唔會太稀了了, 半腩又入美,唔穌,又夠多。支竹、馬蹄食極都仲有,腐乳任加。仲附送生菜一碟,勁正!2個女仔叫一個煲兩份食,夠哂!

One common problem i found in all the other mutton clay pot ($288) i tried before, the sauce was very watery.. hence, the flavor is not strong enough. This one, the sauce is nicely reduced to a thick sauce, the taste is not salty at all, but strong enough. The mutton is so tender that melt in your mouth. Another important ingredient is dry tofu skin, it absorbed all the flavor from the sauce, it was just so yum. It also comes with a little plate with fermented tofu dip. We dip the mutton in it before we eat. The fermented tofu does have a strong distinctive flavor. Some westerners like it, some westerners hate it... Be prepared! You can always ask for more if you finish it. 

We also dunk the Chinese lettuce in  the pot and eat it like a hot pot. In some restaurant, you have to order it as a side. For some others, like Gi Kee here, it includes a plate of lettuce. Like the dry tofu skin, the lettuce absorbed the sauce when you cook it in the pot. The difference is, lettuce ddoesn't take long to cook. You dunk a piece of lettuce in the pot, after 10 seconds, the lettuce will be in your mouth! 

One pot is big enough for 2 ladies to share with some rice. If you come in with a group of people, one is probably still enough with other dishes. You can always ask the staff to make it a bigger portion just in case (half a portion bigger, or double portion). the price will be adjusted. 

Although one mutton clay pot is enough, as a greedy foodie, we ordered a delicious steamed razer clam ($38 each, min x 2) The razer clam is huge and steamed with a lot of garlic and spring onion and vermicelli and some soy sauce. It is a must eat item for me every time i come here. 

Saturday, 20 December 2014


日子︰11月14 日至1月5日為止
時間: 朝十晚十
推薦度︰ ★★★★★

日本一直都有好多POP UP 卡通CAFE. 香港有樣學樣, 又有好多POP UP CAFE.


呢D POP UP CAFE 無論喺日本, 香港都好, 都係偏貴之餘, 食物質素又唔好. 志在影幾張相, 喺FACEBOOK CHECK IN 插下旗, 扼LIKE, 但次次去完話唔抵, 下次有新CAFE 又會再去家喎..
呢D 咪就有卡通人物既吸引力囉~~

今次去既係喺LCX 既明POP UP CAFE. 呢間真係去咁多間最開心滿意既一間

下晝2 點幾拎飛, 等多個零鐘就入得去. 都算OK啦, 中間可以喺LCX 行下街先, 時間都易過.

一行入去CAFE, 意外地竟然有咁多張枱! 餐廳怖置好精美, 一D 都唔似短期租約.


周圍仲有好多姆明谷大公仔俾你任拎黎影, 有姆明爸爸, 姆明, 最型最COOL 既史力奇, 仲有樹精! 食客大家都好有品, 大家交換公仔輪流影. 

野食方面, 我地下午茶時間去, 所以只有TEA 既食品. 

叫左個必食既 PANCAKE ($135) 


價錢唔算太貴啦, 咁多野食. PANCAKE都有四塊! 味道都唔錯! 


另外當然要叫SIGNATURE 既LATTE, 有姆明、史力奇、亞美 同樹精 揀 



呢個姆明CAFE 真係值得一去! 

Sunday, 7 December 2014

My Chef 多功能蒸氣焗爐

搬新屋, 廚房大左少少之外, 最期待就係呢個新玩具!

之前一直都心大心細買唔買PANASONIC 既蒸氣焗爐呢,

因為舊款唔係純蒸氣, 佢係先用微波叮熱D 水去蒸野. 好似唔係太好喎~~

 點知搬屋前幾個月, PANASONIC 出左一部新款, 真係純蒸氣, 加埋有七種功能

最啱廚房細, 又乜野都想要既貪心人用!



雖然INSTRUCTION 話海鮮要用MEDIUM STEAM... 我無理佢, 都係用左HIGH, 蒸左18分鐘

呢部蒸爐唔同 M字皇牌蒸爐, M 字係計溫度達100度開始計時
P記呢部係連埋升溫時間, 所以要預多2-3 分鐘俾佢升至100度.


P記喺蒸野方面最大既弱點就係個水箱好細, 只可以SUPPORT 30分鐘既蒸煮時間.
M 記可以蒸2小時! 咁M 記係單一蒸爐, 功能方面點都會比較優勝既.

最好係唔洗睇方, 又唔怕蒸乾水, 因為如果水箱無水佢會響ALARM.

一放條魚入去蒸之後, 仲有可以用盡2 個爐頭去煮其他晚餐

個爐仲有自已清洗、除嗅功能, 按一個制佢會自已洗潔

水箱方面, 佢都有個自動清洗FUNCTION , 非常方便

第二蒸就係大閘蟹, 放入去蒸15分鐘, 又簡單, 又方便!
蒸既時候, 蟹殼向下, 就唔會D 蟹膏會流出黎!

Thursday, 27 November 2014

老墨餐 - Guacamole + Nacho (含食譜)

老墨 --- 墨西哥是也~~






牛油果 x4
芫茜 一大紮


現成既tortilla chips
Mature cheddar
蕃茄 x 2


將Guacamole 既材料全部切碎 
蕃茄切碎後,  我會先用廚房紙印乾先 
辣椒: 如果怕辣可以落少D, 唔好落入面既子. 
洋蔥︰如果買到我都會用紅洋蔥, 因為無咁辣。
但係如果買唔到, 或者屋企有普通洋蔥都無問題, 落既份量就唔好咁多。

牛油果方面, 將牛油果起肉, 


如果你鐘意CHUNKY D 既, 就唔洗壓到咁爛, 食既時候口感會好D. 

以下係四個牛油果壓出黎既牛油果蓉, 睇落唔係好多, 但係加埋其他材料, 就會好多家勒~

所有材料都準備好, 就可以將材料逐一加入牛油果蓉入面. 
究竟加幾多呢, 就視乎你喜好而定
蕃茄 --> 芫茜 --> 洋蔥 -->辣椒 --> 青檸 -->鹽 + 黑胡椒 

蕃茄, 我今次放左一個牛茄多少少既份量
如果你鐘意CHUNKY D 既, 可以加多少少蕃茄都唔怕. 蕃茄味道唔太濃, 唔怕落得多, 不過最怕佢出水, 所以之前最好印乾D. 
芫茜, 洋蔥, 辣椒 呢D 就最逐少逐少落, 一定要試味. 試左覺得邊樣唔夠先再加. 
因為加多左, 就無得番轉頭... 而且好似乎你對呢D 咁重口味既材料既喜好, 所以我都無特別寫各種材料既份量 

我今次用左芫茜 (5-6棵, 其實唔夠, 應該要多少少); 紅洋蔥半個; 辣椒5隻, 連埋籽落(如果怕辣就千其唔好呀)
青檸榨汁直接撈入去, 一定要試味啦. 我試過懶唔去買青檸, 而改用檸檬... 
係唔得家, 檸檬同青檸雖然大家都係酸. 檸檬係取代唔到青檸嗰種SHARPNESS, 所以一定要買到青檸.
青檸除左調味之後, 仲可以防止牛油果氧化變色. 有D 人話將牛油果大大粒嗰粒籽放埋入去就可以防止氧化... 可以一試既... 我試過就覺得無乜分別. 

NACHO 方面, 仲簡單. 
薄薄地鋪一層CHIPS, 再灑一層車打芝士, 蕃茄, 洋蔥. (如果有牛油果多, 牛油果可以切細粒灑上戈去都得) 
之後再鋪一層CHIPS 同埋其他配料 

焗爐預熱後, 就可以放入焗爐度焗10 - 15分鐘, 直至芝士溶哂為止!
超簡單, 又好食!
如果食唔哂, 可以放入雪櫃KEEP 1-2日既. 不過個面一定會有D變色, 唔怕既. 唔鐘意可以刮走去.
牛油果醬除左同NACHO 一齊食之後, 其實仲有好多用法
可以放喺TOAST 上面, 好似BRUCHETTA 咁食 

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Coca Cola + Riedel

George Riedel 由細到大都好想同可樂合作.... 到今年年初佢既"夢想"終於成真. 

Riedel 同 可樂合作出左80000隻限量版可樂杯, 仲要係RIEDEL 第一次為非酒精飲品推出專用杯

隻杯既開口係仿製Riedel 既O Series Sauvignon Blanc 酒杯. 

加埋條小蠻腰, 細HIP. 

個杯型就似可樂經典6OZ半 既可樂樽

Riedel 既發言人話同其他酒杯一樣, 呢隻杯既開口設計同構造係會令到可樂更加好飲.


拎上手, 隻杯好輕, 好薄, 好似大力揸都會爆... 


聽聞可樂之後, RIEDEL 會為茶推出專用杯!! 設計係仿O Series Cabernet 杯! 

茶.. 又係我另一至愛~~ 


Sunday, 16 November 2014

悉尼漁市場 Sydney Fish Market



去到Fish Market 全場95% 都係亞洲人,又食生蠔,又龍蝦,唔貴唔食。其實local人都會黎買海鮮,不過多數都會買番屋企慢慢享受。

我地今次去都係買番屋企食. 買2打生蠔,又新鮮,又大隻,價錢又平過香港一打生蠔既價錢。 未食都開心~

另外仲買左其他海鮮,有生既有熟既。最令我回味既竟然係Tasmania smoked salmon. 我地買既係喺鮮櫃入面既,價錢同package差唔多,當然買生鮮啦。番到屋企食落口,意外地好食呢! 新鮮,顏色又夠紅,又唔咸,又有smoke味,好好食呀~~

次次諗起Sydney Fish Market, 又想扮乖去探親!